Leonardo’s Machines

Posted by sylvan on Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 9:01

My dad and I went to the Leonardo da Vinci museum in Venezia. We’ve been to quite a few museums here in Europe, and this one was different for a couple reasons: relative to the others, it’s pretty small (only about 5 rooms, none of them particularly large) and much more interactive than the others as well.

Leonardo da Vinci was the son of a nobleman and a peasant woman. He was born in 1452 in Italy, in Vinci, a small village near Florence.

The room of mirrors

The museum had replicas of some of Leonardo’s paintings and his scientific drawings. Leonardo drew and wrote a whole onion-load of scientific observations, and he revolutionized science and the scientific method.

There were polyhedrons to construct.(yay!)

A self supporting bridge!

The museum also had some of his machines. The machines had been built based on Leonardo’s blueprints, of which he had many. The museum let you use and touch these machines, which was pretty darn fun.

If Leonardo had designed this, it might have turned out a bit better.

One Response to “Leonardo’s Machines”

  1. Maria Elayna Polhemus says:

    Sylvan you are a treasure and a hoot at the same time. Thank you for the photos and the narrative.
    And I loved the last pic.