Archive for November, 2009

I ran 409 meters in 76 seconds

Posted by jonesey on Tuesday, 24 November 2009, 9:25

I wasn’t going to run.  I wasn’t dressed to run.  But who can resist a lap at Hayward Field?

Look for me at the start, inappropriately attired, and again at 2:02.  I even got a shout-out from Monkeyboy behind the camera.

The Jizzle Wizzle Mile

(For those of you who aren’t running nerds or who use only the metric system: a standard track is 400 meters.  A mile is 1609 meters.  Hence, for a mile race, the first lap is 409 meters. I ran only the first lap. Five-minute-mile pace is 75 seconds per lap, so we were right on pace.)

A quick preview of our trip to Klamath Falls

Posted by jonesey on Tuesday, 24 November 2009, 7:40

We took the train to Klamath Falls this weekend.  We saw lots of cool stuff.  I think Julie is working on a post.  In the meantime, here’s a preview.

Door ->

Door ->

I love me some proper apostrophization.  You can always count on a gun den to read Strunk and White. Charles’s tonsils would be proud.

Chris's Gun Den. Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Chris's Gun Den. Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Another Halloween photo, by popular request

Posted by jonesey on Thursday, 19 November 2009, 11:48

One more for the fans.

The Riddler and Robin, Halloween 2009

The Riddler and Robin, Halloween 2009

Happy Birthday, Elena! 1 1/4 Years

Posted by julie on Friday, 13 November 2009, 13:09


Dear Elena,

As the rain pelts the windows and the clouds blow in across Spencer Butte, I look back over photos of you since you turned one – a quarter of year ago – photos that include playing in a fountain and lots of short sleeves. I think about how much slides by, how many new things you do that go undocumented. I want to apologize, to say I’m sorry that I know exactly when Sylvan pointed to a bird and said “bhut” (or I’d know if I could find that notebook…), but I have to stop regretting something I can’t change. You’re a second child, baby girl, and while that means I might not write down when your top right bicuspid comes in, your cheerful presence and cuddly ways have earned you a position of high regard in this family. In other words, we just want to squish you, you’re so cute.

You love to help with laundry and are quite accomplished at taking it off the drying racks and putting it in the laundry basket.

You love to help with laundry and are quite accomplished at taking it off the drying racks and putting it in the laundry basket.

Taking after Mommy (who drank Bud as a toddler. She has better taste now.)

Taking after Mommy (who drank Bud as a toddler. She has better taste now.)


And I haven’t totally been sitting down on the job:

By mid-September, when you were 13 months old, your fun tricks included shaking the water off, which looked like an out-of-control head shake, and saying “fff-fff-fff” for dog (woof?). You enjoyed pursing your lips into a duckbill and breathing loudly through your nose. When the windows were all rolled down and the sunroof was open in the car, and the wind whipped across your face, you squealed with delight. (This was something Sylvan despised when he was almost two. It was a HOT summer of riding around with the windows up.)

Eugene Celebration Parade

Eugene Celebration Parade

When you reached 14 months, you started nodding to say yes. You still use the “milk” sign when you want something, although you started to use the “more” sign at around 14 months, too. Sometimes these two are interchangeable for you when it’s food you want. You also use your version of the American sign language sign for “bird” whenever you see or we talk about a songbird. For your sign, you curl and straighten your index finger. We think you also started verbally saying “up” about a month ago, although you use your arms to indicate that you’d like to be picked up more often than you use your mouth. You might also say “out.” And you definitely say “mamamamama” when you see me and would like to be with me.


For a while a couple of months ago, you calmed yourself to sleep with a singing “mmmmmmm.” I haven’t heard you do that in a while.

Sometime in your thirteenth or fourteenth month, you started to understand nearly everything we said that had to do with objects. I could easily give you a two-part instruction, like “Please go into the laundry room and get your shoes” and expect that you’d come back and sit in front of me, shoes in hand, ready to put on your shoes and go outside. And, while you do have a sincere appreciation of the shoe (we regularly find shoes scattered through the house, the remains of your day), you sit right down when you walk inside, ready to have us help you remove your shoes. Good little egg. You also eagerly sit when food or drink is forthcoming.





You are a better listener than the rest of us. Daddy, Sylvan, and I interrupt, get frustrated, and don’t hear each other as we selectively listen. You listen and you act. You may not reliably say many words, but you understand not only a great number of words but also the energy of what’s happening around you.

You have absolutely charmed your teachers at school. All of them would like to take you home with them. When I picked you up on Wednesday, they said you’d rocked a baby doll to sleep when a teacher was rocking one of your peers to sleep. You stood right next to her and twisted your torso back and forth, soothing your doll.

You rock Annie at home.

You rock Annie at home.

Your fifth tooth also came in on Wednesday. I can’t believe you can eat all those almonds we’ve been feeding you with only five teeth (I’m kidding; walnuts are so much softer.)

At fifteen months, you have become a much better follower of rules. Because I must say “no touch” so often, you have now started to wait to touch something new. You’ll look at the [plant, baby, cat, trash on the street], then look at me, then sidle closer, waiting for my approval.

Within the last month, you’ve started pointing at your hair, ears, mouth, nose, toes, eyes, and belly button (your personal favorite) if we ask you where they are.



While I keep thinking you don’t have many words, you do show your appreciation for all vehicles with engines by telling us “duh,” a variation of “truck” I think, and any animal other than a songbird elicits a “daw,” for “dog.” (Yes, readers, those sound almost exactly the same.) Just yesterday, you created a sign for “water” that looks a lot like the ASL for “eat,” probably because your hand isn’t ready to hold only your first three fingers up yet.

That said, you seem pretty dexterous. You are a happy tinkerer, wandering around, putting objects in cups, piling them on top of each other, pushing buttons, seeing how things work. You also love to draw – also just to carry pencils around, to my paranoid dismay.

Happy 15 months, munchkin.


Anyone who's ever met Tephra will understand how unbelievable this is.

Anyone who's ever met Tephra will understand how unbelievable this is.

How else could I carry two pumpkins and a toddler?

How else could I carry two pumpkins and a toddler?

Sylvan and Sylvan

Posted by jonesey on Wednesday, 4 November 2009, 17:34

When Sylvan was about a year and a half old, I dropped him off at school one day as usual. I took off his jacket to put it in his basket, and I noticed that the label on his basket had been changed, from “Sylvan” to “Sylvan J.”

Right next to his basket was another, marked “Sylvan B.”

So not only was there another little kid named Sylvan in Eugene, despite the name not having appeared in the top 1000 U.S. male baby names since 1935, and despite it never having cracked the top 500 baby names, but this kid was in Sylvan’s class at school! Crazy. (Names that were more popular than Sylvan in 2005: Markell, Daquan, Adin, Jaheim, Jaren, Gauge, Messiah)

We didn’t really get to know Sylvan B., though, because he wasn’t in Sylvan J.’s class for very long. I don’t think their school schedules overlapped either.

Eugene/Springfield has a population of almost 200,000, but it’s a pretty small town. Everybody we know knows everybody else. So this means, naturally, that we see Sylvan B. once or twice a year at some event or other. Some of our good friends know his family.

We were introduced to him at the Cascadia Wildlands Project Hoedown in 2007 by a mutual friend.  I don’t think I have a picture from that one.

We saw him somewhere else in 2008. I forget where.

So when we walked into Cozmic Pizza for kids’ night at the end of September, who was there, of course? That’s right.

Sylvan and Sylvan at Cozmic Pizza, 30 Sep 2009

Sylvan J. (age 4) and Sylvan B. (age 3) at Cozmic Pizza, 30 Sep 2009

A picture of a rainbow

Posted by jonesey on Tuesday, 3 November 2009, 16:28

This post is mainly to test the new, wider format of the Eugenious weblog.  I’m hoping that we can post bigger pictures right in the posts, instead of having to use the tiny little thumbnails we’ve been using.

OK, here goes nothing:

Julie and Sylvan walk in front of a rainbow and the Kienzle barn at Mt. Pisgah, 3 Oct 2009

Julie and Sylvan walk in front of a rainbow and the Kienzle barn at Mt. Pisgah, 3 Oct 2009

Yep, that works.  Nice.