Birthday, Svizzera-style

Posted by julie on Wednesday, 22 August 2018, 0:37

One short week ago, this remarkable little human turned 10. 10! While Elena had requested a party before we left the States, I knew that I couldn’t pull it off while packing up the house. She understood, especially when I told her we’d spend the day with her Swiss cousins!

All four in the same frame! Not easy with this active crew.

These two, 51 weeks apart in age, are efficient, productive peas in a pod.

She spent her special day swimming in a lake, munching vegan apple muffins, enjoying a veggie-filled feast on the patio, opening a generous load of presents, and generally being silly with her cousins. Perfect and low-key.

This is how you deflate a swan.

Just so you know, though: This girl is ready for a party, so be ready for 11!

And, for lack of a baby book’s sake, on this day four years ago, when she was a wee, small little girl, she lost her first tooth. Now, she’s lost 13! Sometimes, I can’t believe she can keep food in her mouth.

More to come from Italy as we settle in (including how not to lose your mind while walking to the same government offices and standing in the same lines and smiling at the same officials for the third time).

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