Elena Eats

Posted by julie on Wednesday, 11 February 2009, 23:54

Elena eats rice cereal! Mixed with breast milk. (For those of you who think I might stand over the rice cereal and milk myself like you would a goat, I’ll clear things up: Breast pumps attach very much like dairy milking pumps, I fill up bottles, then I freeze the milk in ice cube trays to be used if I’m gone or if we want to make rice cereal more palatable and nutritious. Yes, I feel like Bessie, but no, there’s no standing over a milking pail in the kitchen.)

Mmm, when can I try chocolate mousse?

Mmm, when can I try chocolate mousse?

For the past few weeks, Elena has wanted more milk than usual. And, if Chris or I try to eat while she’s on our laps, she follows the food with her eyes, looking longingly as it disappears into our mouths. In order to do this, she drops her 10-pound noggin so it’s leaning on her back as she peers up at us, eyes imploring us to give her pizza or chili or pancakes. So, we’ve started to give her “solid” food.

Self-esteem boosting bib courtesy of Aunt Jenn

Self-esteem boosting bib courtesy of Aunt Jenn

Elena digs rice cereal, but the plain applesauce? Um, it’s a little strong and strange. Right, I’d forgotten that she’d never had anything but breastmilk and rice cereal – oh, and the bits of spaghetti with pesto, bread, and probably cashews that Chris sneaks into her little mouth when I’m not looking.

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