Heavy Machinery Operator

Posted by julie on Monday, 23 July 2007, 13:42

The stars lined up for Sylvan last week. Saturday, we walked past the fire station, and Sylvan pasted himself against the building’s glass garage door, pining for the big red firetrucks. Firefighter Lance noticed Sylvan, and mimed a question, “Would you like to come inside?” Oh, yes! Sylvan drove the firetruck – twice, after saying, “Again,” when we were on our way out – observed the “binkin’ yights” on the truck, and banged the clapper on the real bell mounted on the truck’s bumper. Thank you, Lance.

Sylvan drives a steamrollerOn Tuesday, we came across some roadwork while out for a drizzly walk. The steamroller passed back and forth over the asphalt, its yellow light flashing, vibrating the ground as it backed up. Sylvan stood, smitten, for 12-15 minutes. After an asphalt layer is laid and smoothed, it apparently has to cool before another is laid, so one of the guys asked Sylvan if he’d like to drive. Oh, yes! And he beeped the gloriously loud horn, too.

The following day, Sylvan and Daddy went to the City of Eugene’s Touch a Truck, an event packed with heavy machinery enthusiasts of all ages. I don’t know the extent of the excitement, but I do know that Sylvan drove a mixer truck and was inside a police car. We’re writing a thank you note to municipal service employees this week.

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